Voicemail Details
Voicemail Guide
Accessing Your Voicemail Messages
To access your voicemails enter into a browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome) window.
You will receive a security prompt when you first get to the website.
Click on the “Advanced” button and then click on the “Continue to” link to bypass this warning, the blue link at the bottom.
At the login screen, you need to enter your username and password you use to login to your computer, however instead of using for your username, please use firstname.lastname without the
After you are signed in, you will see a list of voicemail messages that are attached to your voice mail number (if you have any).
Each message will be listed as Cisco Unity Messaging System with either a name (for internal extensions) or a phone number for external phone numbers.
You can play those messages by clicking on the play button on the right side of the message(s).
Voicemail Greeting
Each message will be listed as Cisco Unity Messaging System with either a name (for internal extensions) or a phone number for external phone numbers.
You can play those messages by clicking on the play button on the right side of the message(s).
Click on the “Advanced” button and then click on the “Continue to” link to bypass this warning, the blue link at the bottom.
At the login screen, you need to enter your username and password you use to login to your computer, however instead of using for your username, please use firstname.lastname without the
To setup a voicemail greeting you need to click on the “Settings” button, located next to the big green “Messages” button.
In the settings menu, you will see your name and your assigned voicemail number. This will display the 4-digit extension. This is one of the ways you can find out what your extension is. Remember to apply 480-279-XXXX to that extension to complete your voicemail number.
At the top menu bar, click on the “Greetings” link and select “View Greetings.”
On the “Greetings” menu, you will select “Standard” from the list of greetings.
Make sure to select “My Personal Recording” on the "Callers Hear" menu.
Then specify if you would like to record the message using the phone at your desk, (slider to the right), or record from the microphone on your computer (slider to the left).
Record using computer
Record using phone
*Note that if you want to record using the phone, you need to specify the phone number that is displayed on the phone at your desk or in front of you. (example 12312) instead of the voicemail number listed. (this does not effect your voicemail number, and is only used for recording).
Then press the “circle” record button on the voicemail bar.
The recording will either call your phone, if phone is selected, or you will need to speak into the microphone on your computer. After you are done with the recording, either hang up your phone, or press stop.
You may now play the recording to make sure you are happy with it. If you wish to record the message again, press record, and start over again.
After you are done with the recording and are happy with the message, please make sure to press the save button.
After you press the save button, the recording is now live on the phone system. You can test it out by dialing your voicemail extension on your phone to hear the message.