Higley Unified School District
Child Find
What is Child Find?
Child find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA ’04) that requires Public Education Agencies (PEA) to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities, aged from birth through 21, located within their boundaries of responsibility, who are in need of early intervention or special education services. (Az Find)
Do you suspect a child you know may have a disability? Does this child:
- have trouble seeing their surroundings?
- have difficulty hearing?
- have difficulty talking or pronouncing words properly?
- move about with difficulty when crawling, walking, or running?
- not meet milestones of same-aged peers?
- have difficulty understanding?
- have trouble playing with other children or getting along with adults?
- have other special health problems?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, learn about screenings and special services that are available for all qualified children from birth through age twenty-one by contacting the individual below.
- If this child is younger than 2 years and 10 ½ months, please call Arizona Early Intervention Program (AZEIP) at (602)532-9960.
- If this child is 2 years 10 ½ months through 5 years, please contact HUSD’s Preschool Evaluation Team at 480-279-8027.
- If this child is aged 5 through 21 years of age, please call your local school. Click to find the closest school to your home: HUSD School Boundaries link.
The district has a 45-day screening procedure for all students new to the district (not previously screened) which reviews: hearing, vision, social/emotional/behavioral, psychomotor skills, academics, communication, and adaptive skills.
If you require additional assistance, please contact HUSD Special Education Department at 480.279.7059
Information for Parents/Guardians of Students Enrolled in Home School Setting or Non-Profit Private Schools:
The Higley Unified School District provides proportionate share special education services for students with disabilities who are homeschooled or attend a non-profit private school that resides within the Higley Unified School District Boundaries through the development of individual service plans (ISP). For more information regarding proportionate share special education services, please contact the Proportionate Share Coordinator at ProportionateShare@husd.org.
What is Proportionate Share Funding?
This funding is allocated by the federal government and is used to support special education services for qualifying students who are unilaterally placed by their parent/guardian in a non-profit private school located within the Higley Unified School District boundaries. You can find HUSD’s boundaries here: HUSD School Boundaries.
Who is eligible for Proportionate Share Funding?
Any student (k-12) who has a current evaluation completed by a Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation Team that determined the student is in need of specially designed instruction and attends a non-profit private school located within the Higley Unified School District is eligible for special education services under proportionate share funding. A parentally-placed home school student is also eligible for these funds if their home address resides within HUSD boundaries. *
- *A parentally-placed private school student attending a for-profit private school is not entitled to these funds.
What are Proportionate Share Funds used for?
Students in the above-approved placements are required to have an Individual Service Plan that must describe the specific special education and any related services that will be provided via these funds. Funding amounts are determined by the Arizona Department of Education each school year and HUSD determines the dollar amount available to each eligible student each school year. Initially, dollar amounts will be provided to eligible students by September 23rd of the current year and available to begin using October 1st of that same year. Once that dollar amount has been spent, there is no additional funding available for services for that school year. For more information regarding proportionate share special education services, please contact the Proportionate Share Coordinator at ProportionateShare@husd.org.