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THINK! Highly Gifted Academy

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Higley’s THINK! Highly Gifted Academy provides personalized instruction to actively engage exceptional learners in an innovative thinking environment.
With a STEAM focus (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), students are taught by highly qualified, experienced, gifted, endorsed teachers who are passionate about providing innovative and meaningful learning opportunities conducive to gifted learners’ needs.
This gifted program is currently offered in Kinder Prep at Sossaman Early Childhood Development Center and in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade at Bridges Elementary School. After completing 3rd grade, THINK! students will transition to the Gifted and Talented (GATE) program in preparation for success in middle school and beyond. Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are available here

There are multiple Qualifying Criteria for THINK! that include:

  • IQ 130 or higher on the Stanford Binet or Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI). Referrals for licensed psychologists are available from the District plus parent completion of the Thing My Child Likes to Do survey provided by the HUSD Gifted and Talented Education Department. 
  • CogAT scores of 97th percentile or higher on Verbal, Quantitative and NonVerbal and teacher evaluation using the Renzulli Scales for Reading and Mathematics plus parent completion of Things My Child Likes to Do survey provided by the HUSD Gifted and Talented Education Department. 

Tour THINK Kinder Prep!

Are you interested in learning more about THINK! Higley’s Highly Gifted Academy for your Kinder Prep student? Join Preschool Director, Amy Kochis, and Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator, Kelley McLean, for a parent meeting and school tour. Contact Nicole Camp via email or call (480-279-8613) to reserve your spot.

 Is My Child Gifted?