Gifted Education
Gifted Services in Higley Unified School District
Gifted students are grouped together for daily instruction with their classroom teacher who is experienced with differentiating instruction for all learners. During the school day, as appropriate, classroom teachers make modifications to the regular curriculum to ensure students are academically engaged and challenged. With the support of the site-based GATE coach, the classroom teacher provides differentiated instruction and accelerated learning opportunities as determined by the needs of each student. Students may also receive push-in support for small group or personalized learning opportunities from the site-based GATE coach.
Gifted testing is offered three times a year. Please contact your site gifted coach or Kelley McLean, the district gifted coordinator, for information about the next round of testing. For testing at the middle or high school please contact Kelley McLean at
New to HUSD GATE Parent Meeting: If your child recently qualified for the gifted and talented program in HUSD, please join us in a virtual informational meeting on November 26th, at 9am or 5pm, through the following link.
If you are interested in borrowing a book or are looking for a suggestion, please contact Kelley McLean via email at