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Student writing in Spanish


San Tan Elementary School offers a free Spanish Dual Language Program for kindergartners.

Program Structure

Learners are split into two classrooms during the day. One group is with an English-speaking teacher and the other group is with a Spanish-speaking teacher. Mid-day, each group switches classrooms. Our model is similar to a 50/50 model. Our Spanish teacher is highly qualified to teach Kindergarten and has a bilingual certificate.

Quotes from Mr. Mercado, San Tan Elementary Principal 

"It is important for children to learn a second language early in their education because research shows that bilingualism supports higher academic achievement, greater self-efficacy, increased linguistic awareness, higher scores on the SAT and ACT, and improved cognitive development and problem solving abilities."

"If your child can speak Spanish fluently, he or she will be more marketable in the future. According to, bilingual pay differentials range between 5 percent and 20 percent per hour more than the position’s base rate."

Learn more about "A Day in the Life of a Spanish Kindergarten Student."