Higley Unified School District
Coronado Elementary School offers a free Mandarin Dual Language Program (中文沉浸式教学) for Kindergartners.
Proven benefits of acquiring a second language:
- High proficiency in the Mandarin language
- Performance on English standardized tests meets or exceeds non-immersion students
- Promotes greater cognitive flexibility, increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills
- Enhanced understanding of primary language
- Increased cultural sensitivity
- Better prepared for the future in a global society
How does it work?
Students in the Mandarin Dual Language Program will receive instruction in both Mandarin Chinese and English during their school day. Math and science are taught by a certified teacher who is also a native Mandarin speaker. Language Arts and Social Studies are taught by an English-speaking teacher. The students also participate in all other programs at Coronado, including music, physical education, arts, after-school options and more.
Learn more about "A Day in the Life of a Mandarin Kindergarten Student."