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Kindergarten Readiness

Early Entrance Kindergarten Assessment

Assessment is designed to test kindergarten readiness. 
    • Registration for this assessment will be available from January 3 – May 24.
    • A non-refundable fee of $60 will be due at the time of registration.
    • The Early Entrance Kindergarten Assessment will take place in June.
    • The results of the early entrance assessment are final, HUSD does not have an appeal process.
    • District will charge tuition for the second year of kindergarten enrollment in the amount of the basic state aid received for other kindergarten students. (link Policy JEB)
    • Testing will last approximately one hour. Parents/guardians must stay on site until the testing is complete. We will not permit parents/guardians in the testing classroom.

Register for Early Entrance Kindergarten Assessment

Contact Us

For assistance with enrollment application, please call 480-279-7020.
All other questions regarding Early Entrance Kindergarten Assessment, please call 480-279-7137.

Testing will include academic, social, and motor skills.

The early entrance screening is a secure assessment; therefore, we are unable to provide every test concept and question that will be given. However, the following basic skills are general indicators that show readiness for kindergarten.

Social Skills Academic Skills
1. Separates easily from parent/caregiver
  1. Recognizes and identifies rhyming words
2. Follows directions given by teacher 2. Blends syllables (word parts)
3. Sits appropriately and focuses on teacher and activity 3. Segments syllables

4. Communicates and answers questions when asked

4. Blends phonemes (sounds)

5. Advocates for self when in need of materials, additional information, or instructions

5. Recognizes and matches the initial and final phonemes
6. Uses pencil, marker, and scissors properly 6. Replaces the initial and final phonemes
7. Interacts with peers 7. Recognizes medial vowel phonemes
8. Converses with teacher and peers 8. Recognizes and matches short and long vowel phonemes
9. Uses toys and manipulatives appropriately 9. Identifies the number of words in a sentence (heard or seen)
10. Takes turns and shares 10. Recognizes the difference between words and graphemes (letters)
  11. Identifies and compares word length
  12. Matches lowercase and uppercase graphemes
  13. Recognizes the names of lowercase and uppercase graphemes
  14. Matches the graphemes to phonemes and the phonemes to graphemes.
  15. Differentiates shapes
  16. Matches numbers and objects
  17. Identifies numbers 1-20
  18. Completes sequence
  19. Composes and decomposes numbers using objects
  20. Measures using non-standard units
  21. Write name, letters, and numbers 1-20
  22. Print concepts: Identify parts of a book