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School Funding

Higley Unified School District greatly appreciates the community support it receives. Volunteers, partnerships and taxpayer approval of bond and override initiatives are all essential to student learning and creating school communities that address the wide variety of learning needs in our community.Those bond and override approvals fill gaps created by state budget shortfalls that create challenges for schools to provide the education our community desires for its students. Higley is thankful for support from our voters and will strive to use taxpayer money efficiently and effectively in delivering programs and services to students

Schools receive funding from a variety of sources: the state and federal governments, local property taxes, and grants. Some dollars are tied to a specific use.

Maintenance and Operations (M&O) funds are used to run schools and fund employee salaries and benefits, classroom supplies, and transportation

Bond dollars are used for projects that have a longer lifespan, such as school buildings, school improvements, technology upgrades and transportation.

Capital funds can be used for shorter-term items, such as equipping schools, repairs and upgrade existing buildings, transportation and technology.

Learn more about how Arizona school districts spend tax dollars: