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Facts about HUSD. 16 schools, 13,500 students, 1,600 employees, 96% graduation rate

Higley Unified School District is gathering input from families, community members and employees to determine priorities for long-term budget planning.

Higley School District's Maintenance and Operations Override did not pass in the November 2024 election. This led to reduced funding of $5.1 million dollars for the 2025-2026 school year. Our long-term budget planning will require further reductions of approximately $5 million dollars for the 2026-2027 school year. These funds have traditionally been used to support important programs, resources, and staff. 

We are seeking input from district employees, parents, and community members to determine which programs and services should be prioritized for the 2026-27 school year.  

Please join us for a Community Forum
February 19th at 5pm
at the District Office Board Room

School Funding

Higley Unified School District greatly appreciates the community support it receives. Volunteers, partnerships, and taxpayer approval of bond and override initiatives are all essential to student learning and creating school communities that address the wide variety of learning needs in our community. 

Schools receive funding from a variety of sources: the state and federal governments, local property taxes, and grants. Some dollars are tied to a specific use.

Maintenance and Operations (M&O) funds are used to run schools and fund employee salaries and benefits, classroom supplies, and programming.

Capital funds are used for repairs to existing buildings, school improvements, transportation, and technology.

While Bond funding provides resources for capital needs, Maintenance and Operations funding provides resources for anything in the district's M&O Budget.

Frequently-Asked Questions